hey my beautiful n handsome followers,friends,stalkers,haters,lovers!!!!
A Big BIG BIIIIG apology to all ! I’ve been super busy lately that im not even inspired to write anything. It’s just crazy, really really cra
zy. Next week got 2 presentations for final project. such a busy week! *understand me people* So well I’m back.
For all ya’ll rockers that went to paramore, MMHMH, rub it all over on my face. My friends can’t stop talking about how awesome it is. Dang, How I wish I was still in UM ..i can go anywhere i loike afta class..lol
Is it just me or my blog’s getting really dull &
boring? WELL it is because I’m not inspired enough to write about anything. psch, dont blame me. blame it on the braiiin. You see, My brain is like a broken phone. Sometime, it works, sometimes, we have to hit it thousand times, then it’ll might just work. So yeah, My brain has it own mood too okay. respect yo respect.
So everyone keep asking about me boys, Who Am
I dating now, who’s the guy, dear friends, we just been together for 2 weeks..n lots of things had happened.i tumpah kan air 2 times oredi at mamak u know..how clumsy am i..* sigh! but yet he still loves me hikhik * i gave him my blog's link just now so i'm sure he gonna read this * lol
sooo for my beloved super duper awesome best friend from primary school Hudae Yahya...
A very happy birthday to u syg!!
wishing u all the best in ur life.. !

*whoaa!! craving for this..* huda, blanje laa heee~
till then..
xoxo, M
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