hello bloggers! i'm so sorry for the dead blog..
i'm not really active blogging in this site anymore. u can see me post so many things in tumblr.
okay back to update part..whewww!~ currently i've been asking lots of questions regarding on my relationship status on fb LOL..my frens on ym, and inbox in fb keep asking me the same Q.."mai, bile ko kapel?" "mai kapel n dak mane?" "finally u'r taken" i was loikee mlas nye nak jwab..ok he's a boy studying same uni with me.that's all ! :p
Enough with those. So yay, it’s thursday! And tomorrow is Friday then on Saturday got computer architecture test. Yay (:! * hypocrite mode* .byk lagi xbace!!! ...sigh!
oh yeah! alhamdulillah my mom selamat operate her right eye at HTAA kuantan this morning..the operation started at 9.30am n then my dad text me inform that my mom's operation succeed at 11.am..before this she got operation on the left eye..but now it's on the right..it's not about removing cataract or something.. the doctor put a new lens inside her eye so that she can see clearer.alhamdulillah..hope she's getting well.mom!! i miss u so muchhhhh!!
I’ll be tumblr-ing reblogging alot nowadays instead of posting look of the day or text post. I’m going to be really busy i mean now pn busy . Finishing my project work and what not. But I promise, I’ll be back with a long update. I love you all!
xoxo, M.
till now..love u followers!
Eventhough u are clumsy gurl..but dont fall for a wrong guy okeh.huhu