What A bitchy photo, I know.
Oh Hi! I’m sorry for the almost-dead blog. After months of inactivity on my blog, I’m Back! I didn’t go anywhere, I’ve just been doing lttle fiddly stuff that I didn’t think was worth writing about. Life’s been fair enough for me, as usual. But i wish it would be better than ever. I mean, The only thing that i’m complaining and struggling about is my personal privacy shitty thingy. why can’t people just mind their own business and stop stalking and asking stupid questions on formspring? I mean, come on, Nobody’s perfect except for god and prophets.
. Oh well, I had the greatest week with my fucking lovely housemates zatul,suha,husna n ima unni. Um That’s about it, i guess. oh ya! i went back to kuantan last friday for celebrating my parents 39th anniversary..oh my! we had some makan2..totally bloated! i ate a lot weyh! haha hopefully, this upcoming fasting month i can lost some kilos..LOL i want body like yubin unni wonder girls :D and...i'm so glad my mom's health condition is getting so much better alhamdulillah..:)
and happy birthday to my mr.love ..10th august..miss him A LOT =(
well, i'm not really sure with my feeling now. he changed so much. he's always been busy with meetings,clients meet up etc. sometimes i just felt neglected. somehow i should understand he has his own family n kids to settle with.. it hurts ........=( hurmmmmmmmm..
i'll update more later ,M *hugs*
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