2nd day puasa..wee~~
my stomach is busy main techtonic.. kih3
now tgh class graphic programming. so boringgggggg.. then i update la blog tehee~
nak show off coding ni lol
salin je coding pastu execute..tp nanti anta report copy orang laen jgk.hee~
ble la mai nk brubah ni kan
tp xpela..next labsheet wt sndri k (insyaAllah) kah3
just nak share something la..for a few days this have been distracted my life. @.@
my bff (miss F) is just got dumped by her bf
what can i say is..that guy is J.E.R.K!! really really jerk!!
susah sgt ke nak setia??susah sgt ke nak jujur?? susah sgt ke nk jage ati org yg kite syg???
bile my bff ni da ade guy laen die cbuk nk mntak couple balik
haisyoo!!time bff aku ni gilekan ko, ko layan die mcm sampah kn.
so serves u right la..xkan sume ko nak sapu..
pastu cbok la nak msg aku nk mntak maap la..die xnak ngaku slah lak tu.
konon la girl yg sorang lagi tu die punyer "actress" just nak duga kesetiaan si miss F ni..
common la bhai..xde reason yg lg munasabah ke?? da terang2 kot ko maenkn pmpuan tu~
ko igt ati pmpuan ni ape??!
astaga...naseb bulan pose..aku xleh nk maki hamun~ huhu
kalo dorang ni gado xkacaw idop aku xpe..ni aku yg jadi org tengah..
so aku nasihatkan my bff ni better get over him la..
she deserves better man!!~~
brr...tringat plak a year ago..
i used to be like her . love the wrong man~
it really hurts u know........................................ T-T
but then i become stronger !haha mcm kuat harimau !!
*pffttt aku da start mrepek
*pffttt aku da start mrepek
tapi kan..kalo kite xjmpe the wrong person..bile kne nak grow up kn..hee~
i learnt from my mistakes~
at least 'die' pernah bahagiakan kite..die pernah jadi tempat kite luahkan prasaan,tmpt share prob, tmpt kite ngade2..manje2 haaha
but then kitorang still fren untill now~ ( positive okayy!!! ) =)
n that girl pn nta idop nta da mampos..oops! ngeh3

i miss the way u hold my hand.. pfft*
dah2..xmo igt da mase lampau.hee~ ok lah..nak smbung wt coding..hihi
i'll update later , M xoxo
p/s: sory kalo entry kali ni agak violence or 18xx LOL ~
ermm... coding graphic... nice... =)