beloved Followers :)
::current fav song::
Sunday, August 29, 2010
hepi sunday :))
Saturday, August 28, 2010
hey bloggers!!
"hey wassup?!"
guys, check out this song
fuckyeahawesome! !
back on track okay..hurm,we've been fasting for 2 weeks oredi..rse cm baru je lg ehe
yerppp, Sorry for the kinda-dead-blog and for emo posts Below. It’s pretty pathetic, I know..
well, today i just spend my time at home, hadap lappy, maen kucing, gossips with my girls, watch videos with my housemates, makan,basuh cage 'tuck' ,main kucing, mandi, main mercun.. hurm, nothing much..yea i know such a veryyyyy boring weekend.
oh ya, almost forgot oredi..introducing my new cuty pet tortoise, mr.Tuck that i bought from bpmall
he's cute isn't he? ;p
yesterday me with husna, suha, ima, n zatul had a blast day. after we finished our class, tension dengan those frickin' quiz, lol we headed to summit. tak de kje..~~ pegi wat rambut n ima kat Shiseido saloon. ..but the result i think lbey kureng same je n dlu..this time i made rebonding kt ats n a bigger curl kt bawah. so xde la nampak mcm antu rambut mengerbang kan? haha but yesterday mmg i'm soooo out of mood!!! that hairdresser put so much mousse on my hair. so nampak mcm poodle dah! i asked her to do a bigger curl kt bwah bukannya nak kembang. haiyoo! die da nampak i wat muke tros die repair balik haha bodoh punye olang! tp lame2 afta basuh much better i guess. =.= afta that, we break our fast at mcd. seriously! my diet program hanco musnahh! REALLY need to back on track..count back calories taken n the exercise that i need to do.
current mood :hurmmmm dunno la..sejak dua menjak tiga menjak ni asyik nak marah je...cepat trase pun ade..asyik rse nak menyampah pn ade..ase nak sepak org pn ade..sensitive la..grr~
durh! why girls mesti ade hormon xtentu ni? hurmm..maybe sbb nak period kot..i just wanna be happy heartfeelin' haha cmne la tu ek hee~
u know wut..i just can't wait wanna back home!! miss my mom.. my nieces..awww! miss their kisses! xoxo
i balik insyaAllah this friday..omagah!! jalan comfirm jam kan. hurm, really miss my angels!rindu nk jmpe farah. huda, ema, misha, sabrina,amy,tirah,fira,dee,amal..urh..nk type sume ke?hee grr!!! miss u girls so muchhh!! *hugs*
ok then, have to do my laundry hiks
next time i'll update more muahhxx!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
helloo bloggers!!!! :D
salin je coding pastu nanti anta report copy orang laen jgk.hee~
ble la mai nk brubah ni kan
tp labsheet wt sndri k (insyaAllah) kah3
*pffttt aku da start mrepek
tapi kan..kalo kite xjmpe the wrong person..bile kne nak grow up kn..hee~
i learnt from my mistakes~
at least 'die' pernah bahagiakan kite..die pernah jadi tempat kite luahkan prasaan,tmpt share prob, tmpt kite ngade2..manje2 haaha
but then kitorang still fren untill now~ ( positive okayy!!! ) =)
n that girl pn nta idop nta da mampos..oops! ngeh3

i miss the way u hold my hand.. pfft*
dah2..xmo igt da mase lampau.hee~ ok lah..nak smbung wt coding..hihi
i'll update later , M xoxo
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
رمضان المبارك 1431 هجرة
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa sumerr :DD
moga bulan yang mulia ni jadi bulan yang bererti buat kite sume..
maw share a lil' bit kelebihan psal bulan ramadhan ini
1) Kamu akan di naungi Ramadhan. (bagi yg telah meninggal duniaterlepasdari siksa kubur)
2) Bulan penuh keberatan
3) Di malamnya ada lebih baik drpd 1000bulan
4) Amal sunat sama dengan solat fardhu
5) Manakala solat fardhu mendpt 70 kaliganda
6) Bulan sabar dan pahalanya adalahsyurga
7) Bulan menambah rezeki
8) Memberi buka banyak pahala
9) Bulan keampunan- doa yang paling makbul iaitu doa sebelum berbuka puasa.- juga doa pada sepertiga malam.
10)10 hari pertama adalah mulanyarahmat,10 hari pertengahan - pengampunan,10 hari terakhir - kemerdekaan api neraka
Monday, August 9, 2010
wink2! (^_*)

What A bitchy photo, I know.
Oh Hi! I’m sorry for the almost-dead blog. After months of inactivity on my blog, I’m Back! I didn’t go anywhere, I’ve just been doing lttle fiddly stuff that I didn’t think was worth writing about. Life’s been fair enough for me, as usual. But i wish it would be better than ever. I mean, The only thing that i’m complaining and struggling about is my personal privacy shitty thingy. why can’t people just mind their own business and stop stalking and asking stupid questions on formspring? I mean, come on, Nobody’s perfect except for god and prophets.
. Oh well, I had the greatest week with my fucking lovely housemates zatul,suha,husna n ima unni. Um That’s about it, i guess. oh ya! i went back to kuantan last friday for celebrating my parents 39th anniversary..oh my! we had some makan2..totally bloated! i ate a lot weyh! haha hopefully, this upcoming fasting month i can lost some kilos..LOL i want body like yubin unni wonder girls :D and...i'm so glad my mom's health condition is getting so much better alhamdulillah..:)
and happy birthday to my ..10th august..miss him A LOT =(
well, i'm not really sure with my feeling now. he changed so much. he's always been busy with meetings,clients meet up etc. sometimes i just felt neglected. somehow i should understand he has his own family n kids to settle with.. it hurts ........=( hurmmmmmmmm..
i'll update more later ,M *hugs*
2)kandungan emas di laut adalah 200 kali ganda lebih banyak berbanding di daratan
3)mengikut kajian saintifik orang yang menggunakan tangan kanan hidup sembilan tahun lebih lama daripada mereka yang kidal (tapi ajal maut di tangan tuhan,ingat2 lah yer)
4)Otot akan masih bergerak atau berdenyut walaupun mayatnya sudah masuk peringkat 'brain death'(oleh itu kepada org2 jaga bilik mayat tue janganlah takut sangat, tapi berwaspadalah.jangan biarkan hidup anda diselebungi MISTERI)
5)Cuba teka tempat apa yang paling sejuk dalam dunia ini?kutub utara?SALAH,kutub selatan?SALAH jugak.jawapanya di Verkovank, Siberia dengan suhu serendah 100 darjah di
bawah paras beku pernah dicatitkan.
6)jangan terkejut jika sebenarnya semut mempunyai otak terbesar diantara semua makhluk (jika dibandingkan dengan nisbah saiz badannya)
7)John Boyd Dunlop,pencipta tayar dunlop sebenarnya adalah seorang pakar bedah veterinar berbangsa Scotland
8)jika anda lahir ketika zaman dimana kamera mula-mula dicipta dahulu,ia memerlukan seseorang beraksi selama lapan jam di depan kamera itu sebelum gambar dapat dirakamkan.(pasal tue takde supermodel zaman dulu-dulu)
9)Manusia akan hidup lima setengah minit lebih lama bagi setiap batang rokok yang TIDAK dihisap.
10)Sebuah ladang di Byelorussia (Soviet Union) menawarkan bonus sebulan gaji bagi pekerja yang tidak merokok (ha..ingat tue wahai perokok tegar sekalian)
11)zirafah dan tikus boleh hidup lagi lama tanpa air daripada unta.
12)sebenarnya dekelarasi kemerdekaan Amerika ditulis diatas kertas marijuana(maknanya mereka mintak kemerdekaan mereka diatas kertas dadah)
13)seorang lelaki akan hilang 40 helai rambut sehari,perempuan pula 70 helai
14)jangan sekali-kali anda bagi anjing makan cokelat,ia boleh menbunuh anjing tersebut
15)perasankan anda apabila anda hendak save di microsoft office program, ia menunjukkan gambar floopy disk dengan shutternya terbalik??
lawak ngeng
Majikan : kamu di pecat!
Pekerja : tapi saya tidak melakukan apa-apa!!
Majikan : itu lah sebabnya mengapa kamu di pecat..
Lawak 2
Tuan rumah : adakah kamu telah mencuci ikan ini sebelum kamu mengorengnya.
Pembantu rumah : saya fikir itu tidak perlu apa gunanya mencuci ikan yang memang berada dalam air seumur hidupnya.
Lawak 3
Seorang penumpang kapal terbang bertanya kepada seorang wanita tua disebelahnya.
Penumpang : makcik tahu tak nama lapangan terbang yang kita lepasi tadi?
Makcik : tidak. makcik tak tau. kenapa?
Penumpang : sebab anak makcik turun di situ tadi dan tidak naik semula.
Lawak 4
Guru : louie, jika saya beri awak dua ekor arnab hari ini, dan dua ekor lagi pagi esok berapa ekor arnab yang kamu ada di rumah?
Louie : tujuh
Guru : apa maksud kamu "tujuh"?
Louie : yalah, saya sudah ada tiga ekor arnab di rumah.
Lawak 5
Seorang penerbit filem mahu menerbitkan sebuah filem yang paling canggih dalam dunia, dan dalam filem itu ada adegan pertempuran yang paling hebat pernah diadakan.
Penerbit : saya akan menggunakan dua pasukan tentera setiap satu mempunyai 25 ribu tentera.
Pengarah : kalau 2 pasukan mejadi 50 ribu, bagaimana kita mahu membayar mereka?
Penerbit : inilah yang saya telah rancangkan, kita gunakan peluru hidup!
Lawak 6
Anak ular : ibu, kita nie beracun tak?
Ibu ular : tidak. mengapa tanya?
Anak ular : saya baru saja tergigit lidah saya!
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now there's a steel knife
In my windpipe
I can't breathe
But I still fight
While I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right
It's like I'm in flight
High of a love
Drunk from the hate
It's like I'm huffing paint
And I love it the more that I suffer
I sufficate
And right before im about to drown
She resuscitates me
She fucking hates me
And I love it
Where you going
I'm leaving you
No you ain't
Come back
We're running right back
Here we go again
It's so insane
Cause when it's going good
It's going great
I'm Superman
With the wind in his bag
She's Lois Lane
But when it's bad
It's awful
I feel so ashamed
I snap
Who's that dude
I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her
I'll never stoop so low again
I guess I don't know my own strength
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
You ever love somebody so much
You can barely breathe
When you're with them
You meet
And neither one of you
Even know what hit 'em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah them chills
Used to get 'em
Now you're getting fucking sick
Of looking at 'em
You swore you've never hit 'em
Never do nothing to hurt 'em
Now you're in each other's face
Spewing venom
And these words
When you spit 'em
You push
Pull each other's hair
Scratch, claw, bit 'em
Throw 'em down
Pin 'em
So lost in the moments
When you're in 'em
It's the rage that took over
It controls you both
So they say it's best
To go your separate ways
Guess that they don't know ya
Cause today
That was yesterday
Yesterday is over
It's a different day
Sound like broken records
Playin' over
But you promised her
Next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Now I know we said things
Did things
That we didn't mean
And we fall back
Into the same patterns
Same routine
But your temper's just as bad
As mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love
You're just as blinded
Baby please come back
It wasn't you
Baby it was me
Maybe our relationship
Isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens
When a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is
I love you too much
To walk away though
Come inside
Pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity
In my voice when I talk
Told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed
I'll aim my fist
At the dry wall
Next time
There will be no next time
I apologize
Even though I know it's lies
I'm tired of the games
I just want her back
I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
I'mma tie her to the bed
And set the house on fire
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
p/s; middle fingers up to those fucking playboy!!