Is not a secret that Selena and Miley had a rivality both shared the same guy…Nick Jonas, and both were Disney Girls, but when Miley has a success with his song ‘Party in the USA’ Selena was seeing constantly hanging out with Miley.
The Jonas Brothers going through his best moment with their song ‘Burnin Up’ and all their songs are a hit among the teenagers. Selena Gomez begins a relationship with Nick Jonas.
‘Camp Rock’ is the musical that consolidates the career of Demi Lovato,Selena provides statements and recalls that she and Demi are best friends and their friendships comes from the childhood.
‘You Belong with Me’ is a success in the music charts and Selena stopsseeing Demi Lovato and she says that Taylor Swift is her best friend. They were seen shopping together, having lunch on many occasions, there’s no Demi here.
Taylor Lautner has a awesome six pack, a lot of girls becomes ‘Team Jacob’ and Twilight Saga are in his best moment. The rumors says that Selena Gomez is dating the Twilight Wolf and then… all the world saw the couple sharing ‘romantic moments’.
Cory Monteith the actor from the succesful serie ‘Glee’ is hanging out with Selena Gomez and a lot of people confirm that they have crossed several flirtatious glances. The rumor says that Selena changes his ‘friendship’ with Justin Bieber for the ‘friendship’ with Cory.
Selena Gomez declares to the world that Justin Bieber is like her ‘little brother’. Months after the rumor of having an affair is almost 100% verified,both shared a yacht and a vacations in a mansion in St. Lucia where the paparazzi managed to catch quite revealing images. Justin Bieber is a fever in the whole world and all the girls know it well. Selena Gomez has a relationship with Justin Bieber.
Nothing is a coincidence, she knows well.
Who’s the next Selena?